


High Performance Research Computing, Texas A&M University - Graduate Assistant Non-Teaching

📅 2024 - Now

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High Performance Research Computing, Texas A&M University

Since 1989, the High Performance Research Computing (HPRC) group, formerly the Supercomputing Facility, has been dedicated to be a resource for research and discovery at Texas A&M University. We support more than 2,000 users including more than 400 faculty members. Our users use our computing resources for cutting edge, collaborative, and transformative research including, but not limited to, materials development, quantum optimization, and climate prediction. We will continue to promote emerging computing technology to researchers, and assist them in using it for research and discovery.

Next.js, Flask, React.js, Python, AWS, Slurm, Containers, LLMs

  • Supervised the development of research tools over the 3 supercomputing clusters (GRACE, FASTER, ACES).
  • Facilitated Slurm jobs in high-performance computing environments to execute research computations in fields ranging from bioinformatics to machine learning to parallel computing.
  • Leveraged expertise in Next.js in a containerized environment to build high-quality user interfaces; implemented features such as server-side rendering, code-splitting, and React hooks.